序号 |
奖励名称 |
获奖项目名称 |
证书编号 |
完成人 |
奖励年度 |
获奖等级 |
1 |
卫星导航定位科学技术奖 |
融合北斗和激光雷达测量的建筑特征 智能感知分析关键技术与应用 |
2022-01-02-01 |
郭明,周命端,王国利,刘芳 |
2022 |
二等 |
2 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
多尺度城市要素遥感大数据获取、监测与评估关键技术及应用 |
2022-01-24 |
曹诗颂,杜明义,蔡国印 |
2022 |
一等 |
3 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
激光雷达与高光谱遥感协同的建筑遗产数字化与健康评估 |
2022-01-33 |
黄明,郭明,吕书强 |
2022 |
一等 |
4 |
发明创业奖 |
特大城市建构筑物与地面监测及地下官网3S管控关键技术创新研发 |
2021-CAICX-1-H01 |
丁克良 |
2021 |
一等 |
5 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
城市建筑物主动式遥感监测关键技术及应用 |
2021-01-01-15 |
庞蕾,丁克良,张瑞菊,邱冬炜,周命端,王荣华 |
2021 |
一等 |
6 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
多源出行位置大数据融合分析技术及在交通中的应用 |
2021-01-16 |
张健钦,曹诗颂,杜明义,屈利忠 |
2021 |
一等 |
7 |
高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖(科学技术) |
超大城市智能体检与精细管理关键技术及应用 |
2020-225-D01 |
杜明义,靖常峰,刘扬,曹诗颂,陈强,蔡国印,屈利忠 |
2021 |
二等 |
8 |
华夏建设科学技术奖 |
地上地下与室外场景三维智能检测关键技术与应用 |
2020-2-6301 |
赵江洪,郭明,危双丰,张瑞菊,黄明 |
2021 |
二等 |
9 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
中小跨径桥梁多模式遥感协同监测和精准探伤关键技术及应用 |
2020-01-01-02 |
刘祥磊,张学东,蒋捷,郭贤,黄明,沈涛 |
2020 |
一等 |
10 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
城市精准治理中的多源数据融合技术研究与应用 |
2020-01-12 |
刘扬,靖常峰 |
2020 |
一等 |
11 |
卫星导航定位科学技术奖 |
超高层建筑北斗/GNSS高精度定位技术研究与应用 |
2020-05-01-03 |
丁克良,邱冬炜,韩厚增,周命端 |
2020 |
一等 |
12 |
卫星导航定位科学技术奖 |
基于北斗/GNSS全景移动激光雷达感知系统关键技术与应用 |
2020-01-01-06 |
黄明,郭明,王坚,王国利,靖常峰,张瑞菊 |
2020 |
一等 |
13 |
卫星导航定位科学技术奖 |
INAV2紧组合高精度定位定姿模块 |
2020-02-01-09 |
王坚,韩厚增 |
2020 |
二等 |
14 |
华夏建设科学技术奖 |
地理信息系统软件测评技术规范 |
2019-3-11501 |
沈涛,霍亮,靖常峰,刘祥磊,黄鹤,张学东 |
2020 |
三等 |
15 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
全球测图技术系统与应用示范 |
2019-01-01-09 |
蒋捷 |
2019 |
一等 |
16 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
超级航站楼建设高精度高效测量关键技术 |
2019-01-01-07 |
杜明义,王坚 |
2019 |
一等 |
17 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
超高层建筑精密施工测量关键技术研发与应用 |
2019-01-03 |
邱冬炜,韩厚增,周命端 |
2019 |
一等 |
18 |
华夏建设科学技术奖 |
超高层建筑施工安全智能监控关键技术与应用 |
2018-3-13201 |
邱冬炜,丁克良,周命端 |
2019 |
三等 |
19 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
地理信息跨媒介可视化技术研究及其应用 |
2018-01-02-37 |
霍亮 |
2018 |
二等 |
20 |
卫星导航定位科学技术奖 |
GNSS RTK/INS高精度定位关键技术及应用研究 |
2018-01-01-01 |
王坚,韩厚增,周命端,黄鹤,罗德安,周乐皆,丁克良,邱冬炜 |
2018 |
一等 |
21 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
高分辨率遥感公路交通设施健康检测技术及应用示范 |
2018-01-07 |
吕京国,丁克良 |
2018 |
一等 |
22 |
华夏建设科学技术奖 |
城市运行精细化管理智能感知与分析关键技术及应用 |
2017-2-4001 |
靖常峰,杜明义,刘扬,张健钦,霍亮,刘建华,陈强 |
2018 |
二等 |
23 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
高精度激光客流监测、预警及疏导仿真关键技术 |
2017-01 -02 -43 |
张健钦,杜明义,张学东 |
2017 |
二等 |
24 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
地理信息系统软件测试关键技术及示范应用 |
2017-01-02-07 |
霍亮,沈涛,李敏,刘祥磊,靖常峰 |
2017 |
二等 |
25 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
大型复杂文物信息留取与虚拟修复关键技术研究与应用 |
2016-01-01-05 |
侯妙乐,胡云岗,赵江洪,黄明,胡春梅,张瑞菊 |
2016 |
一等 |
26 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
基于多元空间环境探测的危化品事故全过程遥测预警与应急处置平台 |
2016-02-14 |
吕京国,周命端,刘祥磊 |
2016 |
二等 |
27 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
城市运行精细化管理物联网技术与应用 |
无 |
杜明义,霍亮,靖常峰,刘扬,刘建华,沈涛,张健钦,蔡国印,王荣华 |
2016 |
一等 |
28 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
山西省地理国情普查生产技术体系研究 |
2016-03-78 |
霍亮 |
2016 |
三等 |
29 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
高效三维地学浏览器的研制与示范应用 |
2015-02-03 |
霍亮,沈涛,靖常峰,赵江洪,张学东,蔡剑红 |
2015 |
二等 |
30 |
华夏建设科学技术奖 |
新建天津西站站房工程结构施工关键技术研究 |
2014-2-2501 |
王晏民,王国利 |
2015 |
二等 |
31 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
多源数据融合的精细三维重建技术研究与应用 |
2014-01-01-04 |
王晏民,黄明,王国利,胡春梅,张瑞菊,郭明,危双丰,侯妙乐,胡云岗 |
2014 |
一等 |
32 |
中国施工企业管理协会科学技术奖 |
长沙A1区办公楼超高层建筑施工测量技术研究 |
kjj20141676 |
邱冬炜 |
2014 |
二等 |
33 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
海量精细三维空间数据管理系统研制与应用 |
2014-01-02 |
王晏民,黄明,危双丰,郭明,张瑞菊,王国利,胡春梅,赵江洪 |
2014 |
一等 |
34 |
中国测绘学会科学技术奖 |
城市高分辨率影像的地物自动提取与高效计算关键技术及应用 |
2013-01-03-12 |
赵西安,吕京国 |
2013 |
三等 |
35 |
地理信息科学技术奖 |
全栈式GIS平台uninpho的研制与应用 |
2013-02-02 |
霍亮,罗德安,靖常峰,沈涛,赵江洪,张学东 |
2013 |
二等 |
序号 |
名称 |
作者 |
时间 |
出版刊物/出版社 |
1 |
地球空间大数据云计算平台(GEE)基础与实践教程 |
周磊,杜明义 |
2022.11.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
2 |
多频多模GNSS PPP非组合模糊度固定方法和关键技术研究 |
柳根 |
2022.10.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
3 |
地基SAR桥梁监测理论与方法 |
刘祥磊,王闰杰 |
2022.09.01 |
科学出版社 |
4 |
误差理论与测量平差基础 |
丁克良 |
2022.02.01 |
测绘出版社 |
5 |
Sensing Urban Dynamics from Geosocial Media: An Event Detection Perspective |
徐世硕 |
2021.12.16 |
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing |
6 |
数据缺失下的遥感影像预测模拟技术及农业应用 |
刘芳,刘祥磊,陈铮 |
2021.08.01 |
东南大学出版社 |
7 |
彩绘文物地面高光谱分析方法与应用 |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2021.08.01 |
地质出版社 |
8 |
全球地表覆盖时间序列更新、精度评价与整合 |
朱凌 |
2021.08.01 |
科学出版社 |
9 |
道路实景影像专题信息提取方法与及应用 |
刘扬,杜明义 |
2021.08.01 |
测绘出版社 |
10 |
国产高分卫星城市地表要素提取方法研究 |
蔡国印,杜明义 |
2021.08.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
11 |
面向影像对象的高分辨率遥感多特征变化检测 |
陈强,杜明义 |
2021.07.12 |
测绘出版社 |
12 |
书画类文物高光谱数字化保护方法与应用 |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2021.07.01 |
测绘出版社 |
13 |
地表覆盖遥感产品精度验证方法研究 |
蔡国印,杜明义 |
2021.07.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
14 |
基于地面激光雷达点云的中国古建筑正逆向三维重建技术 |
张瑞菊,赵江洪,庞蕾 |
2021.07.01 |
测绘出版社 |
15 |
多地理过程协同作用的空气污染时空模拟研究 |
胡璐锦 |
2021.06.30 |
中国矿业大学出版社 |
16 |
城市太阳辐射和传输——模型构建与遥感应用 |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2021.06.01 |
商务印书馆 |
17 |
多源融合室内外无缝定位模型研究 |
刘飞,王坚 |
2021.03.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
18 |
移动测量数据智能处理与应用关键技术 |
郭明,黄明 |
2020.07.30 |
测绘出版社 |
19 |
全球地表覆盖产品更新与整合 |
朱凌 |
2020.06.01 |
科学出版社 |
20 |
高分辨率遥感数据处理与云服务平台建设 |
吕京国 |
2020.03.20 |
科学技术文献出版社 |
21 |
城市运行管理物联网监测技术及应用 |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2019.11.01 |
科学出版社 |
22 |
集成多源数据的干旱综合监测方法 |
周磊 |
2019.10.01 |
中国水利水电出版社 |
23 |
贵州遵义喀斯特临界带风化侵蚀和元素迁移 |
尹川 |
2019.10.01 |
中国水利水电出版社 |
24 |
多源遥感反演路地表土壤水分方法 |
余凡 |
2019.09.01 |
测绘出版社 |
25 |
惯导融合GNSS紧组合高精度动态定位研究 |
韩厚增,王坚 |
2019.08.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
26 |
建筑物点云自动语义分割及三维空间模型构建 |
赵江洪,张瑞菊 |
2019.07.01 |
测绘出版社 |
27 |
地下工程基础设施 |
赵江洪,杜明义,黄明 |
2019.07.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
28 |
高速视频测量理论方法与工程应用 |
刘祥磊 |
2019.06.04 |
科学出版社 |
29 |
城市精细化管理技术与应用 |
靖常峰,杜明义,陈强 |
2019.05.01 |
科学出版社 |
30 |
地面激光雷达与摄影测量三维重建 |
王晏民,黄明,王国利 |
2018.09.01 |
科学出版社 |
31 |
空间信息技术支持下的中国乡村建筑综合区划研究 |
沈涛 |
2018.08.01 |
知识产权出版社 |
32 |
典型形变场D.InSAR监测理论与应用研究 |
张学东,刘祥磊 |
2018.06.30 |
地质出版社 |
33 |
移动测量系统设计原理与实现方法 |
郭明,王国利,黄明 |
2018.05.01 |
科学出版社 |
34 |
建筑塔式起重机智能指挥防碰撞预警监控系统开发与应用 |
周命端,吕京国 |
2018.05.01 |
中国建筑工业出版社 |
35 |
井筒变形监测理论与方法 |
王坚 |
2018.04.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
36 |
地理信息服务建模理论与方法 |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2018.03.01 |
科学出版社 |
37 |
开源WebGIS应用开发技术 |
张健钦,杜明义 |
2017.08.01 |
测绘出版社 |
38 |
城市交通时空大数据可视化分析及应用 |
张健钦杜明义 |
2017.08.01 |
测绘出版社 |
39 |
高分遥感云服务与物联网技术融合的城市应用关键技术 |
吕京国 |
2017.08.01 |
北京航空航天大学出版社 |
40 |
地面激光点云模型构建原理 |
王国利,王晏民 |
2017.06.01 |
测绘出版社 |
41 |
地磁室内定位与导航 |
黄鹤,邱冬炜 |
2017.05.15 |
测绘出版社 |
42 |
地面激光雷达与近景摄影测量技术集成 |
胡春梅 |
2017.05.05 |
测绘出版社 |
43 |
大足石刻大佛湾文物三维扫描及保护应用 |
胡云岗 |
2017.04.28 |
文物出版社 |
44 |
高空间分辨率遥感影像地学计算 |
刘建华 |
2017.02.14 |
科学出版社 |
45 |
激光雷达技术与结构分析方法 |
郭明,王国利 |
2016.08.10 |
测绘出版社 |
46 |
煤矿地质井巷三维建模及Web3D发布 |
黄明 |
2016.08.01 |
科学出版社 |
47 |
地面激光点云数据处理与精细重构理论与方法 |
黄明 |
2016.08.01 |
科学出版社 |
48 |
移动地理信息系统技术 |
郭明 |
2016.06.30 |
中国建筑工业出版社 |
49 |
化工园区空天地一体化遥感预警与应急处置 |
吕京国 |
2016.06.06 |
现代教育出版社 |
50 |
遥感技术基础双语讲义 |
蔡国印,杜明义 |
2016.05.30 |
武汉大学出版社 |
51 |
变形监测技术与工程应用 |
邱冬炜,丁克良,黄鹤,陈秀忠 |
2016.05.01 |
武汉大学出版社 |
52 |
2014年中国环境质量报告 |
周磊 |
2015.12.01 |
中国环境出版社 |
53 |
环境工程施工 |
邱冬炜 |
2015.07.01 |
中国建筑工业出版社 |
54 |
测绘案例分析 |
邱冬炜 |
2015.05.01 |
测绘出版社 |
55 |
测绘综合能力 |
邱冬炜 |
2015.05.01 |
测绘出版社 |
56 |
移动地理信息系统开发与应用 |
刘建华 |
2015.04.26 |
电子工业出版社 |
57 |
危化品事故遥感数据处理与原型系统开发 |
吕京国 |
2015.04.06 |
九州出版社 |
58 |
青藏高原气候敏感因子遥感分析与三维平台研制 |
吕京国 |
2015.03.01 |
科学技术文献出版社 |
59 |
现代测绘中的制图方法 |
黄明 |
2015.02.01 |
黑龙江科学技术出版社 |
60 |
海量精细空间数据组织与管理 |
郭明 |
2014.12.01 |
测绘出版社 |
61 |
地价评估方法的不确定性研究 |
蔡剑红 |
2014.06.01 |
中国建筑工业出版社 |
62 |
建设领域信息技术应用基本术语标准(JGJ/T313.2013) |
危双丰 |
2014.01.01 |
中国建筑工业出版社 |
63 |
深度图像化点云数据管理 |
王晏民,危双丰 |
2013.12.01 |
测绘出版社 |
序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
发表/出版日期 |
期刊/报刊/论文集 |
JCR分区 |
1 |
Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of geosocial media data for urban functional zone identification |
徐世硕 |
2022.12.31 |
International Journal of Digital Earth |
二区 |
2 |
Seasonal and diurnal surface urban heat islands in China: an investigation of driving factors with three.dimensional urban morphological parameters |
曹诗颂 |
2022.12.31 |
GIScience & Remote Sensing |
二区 |
3 |
Research on Data Cleaning Algorithm Based on Multi Type Construction Waste |
刘扬 |
2022.10.22 |
Sustainability |
四区 |
4 |
Demographic Spatialization Simulation under the Active “Organic Decentralization Population” Policy |
刘芳 |
2022.10.20 |
Sustainability |
四区 |
5 |
Simulation Analysis of the Cooling Effect of Urban Water Bodies on the Local Thermal Environment |
陈强,杜明义 |
2022.10.01 |
Water |
四区 |
6 |
A Lightweight YOLOv5.MNE Algorithm for SAR Ship Detection |
庞蕾 |
2022.09.19 |
Sensors |
三区 |
7 |
Spatial Quantitative Model of Human Activity Disturbance Intensity and Land Use Intensity Based on GF.6 Image, Empirical Study in Southwest Mountainous County, China |
张学东 |
2022.09.13 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
8 |
Spatial Interaction Analysis of Shared Bicycles Mobility Regularity and Determinants: A Case Study of Six Main Districts, Beijing |
胡璐锦,王坚 |
2022.09.02 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
9 |
Reconstruction of Indoor Navigation Elements for Point Cloud of Buildings with Occlusions and Openings by Wall Segment Restoration from Indoor Context Labeling |
危双丰 |
2022.08.30 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
10 |
Evaluating the Influence of Different Layouts of Residential Buildings on the Urban Thermal Environment |
陈强 |
2022.08.17 |
四区 |
11 |
3D digital protection and representation of burial ruins based on LiDAR and UAV survey |
郭明 |
2022.08.16 |
Measurement & Control |
四区 |
12 |
CD.TransUNet: A Hybrid Transformer Network for the Change Detection of Urban Buildings Using L.Band SAR Images |
庞蕾 |
2022.08.09 |
Sustainability |
四区 |
13 |
Geographic Knowledge Graph Attribute Normalization: Improving the Accuracy by Fusing Optimal Granularity Clustering and Co.Occurrence Analysis |
尹川,杜明义,罗娜娜 |
2022.07.23 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
14 |
Distinctive roles of two. and three.dimensional urban structures in surface urban heat islands over the conterminous United States |
曹诗颂 |
2022.07.01 |
urban climate |
二区 |
15 |
An efficient method for undifferenced BDS.2/BDS.3 high.rate clock estimation |
匡开发 |
2022.07.01 |
GPS Solutions |
一区 |
16 |
Ship tracking method for resisting similar shape information under satellite videos |
吕京国 |
2022.06.29 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
17 |
A cross.channel multi.scale gated fusion network for recognizing construction and demolition waste from high.resolution remote sensing images |
周磊,杜明义 |
2022.06.18 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing |
三区 |
18 |
Investigation of compound drought risk and driving factors in Nepal |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2022.06.15 |
Natural Hazards |
三区 |
19 |
Visual relationship based identification of key construction scenes on highway bridges |
吕京国 |
2022.06.14 |
buildings |
三区 |
20 |
Fine.Grained Climate Classification for the Qaidam Basin |
冯雨宁 |
2022.06.05 |
atmosphere |
四区 |
21 |
Extracting the Urban Landscape Features of the Historic District from Street View Images Based on Deep Learning: A Case Study in the Beijing Core Area |
郭贤,蒋捷 |
2022.06.01 |
Isprs International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
22 |
Grid.optimized UAV indoor path planning algorithms in a complex environment |
蒋捷 |
2022.06.01 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation |
一区 |
23 |
Detecting spatiotemporal traffic events using geosocial media data |
徐世硕 |
2022.06.01 |
Computers Environment and Urban Systems |
24 |
Class Activation Map.based Data Augmentation for Satellite Smoke Scene Detection |
余凡 |
2022.05.30 |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
二区 |
25 |
Spatiotemporal Patterns and Dominant Factors of Urban Particulate Matter Islands: New Evidence from 240 Cities in China |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2022.05.18 |
Sustainability |
四区 |
26 |
An Intelligent Vision Mobile Measurement Approach for High.speed Inspection of Large.size Flatness |
邱冬炜 |
2022.05.11 |
四区 |
27 |
Normal cloud model theory.based comprehensive fuzzy assessment of wooden pagoda safety |
郭明 |
2022.05.01 |
Journal of Cultural Heritage |
二区 |
28 |
Land Subsidence in Qingdao, China, from 2017 to 2020 Based on PS.InSAR |
张学东 |
2022.04.18 |
二区 |
29 |
The Combined Use of 137Cs Measurements and Zr.Methods for Estimating Soil Erosion and Weathering in Karst Areas of Southwestern China |
尹川,杜明义 |
2022.04.17 |
Sustainability |
三区 |
30 |
Vehicle detection method for satellite videos based on enhanced vehicle features |
吕京国 |
2022.04.11 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
31 |
Efficient Seamline Network Generation for Large.Scale Orthoimage Mosaicking |
杨军星 |
2022.04.11 |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
二区 |
32 |
Identification of construction and demolition waste based on change detection and deep learning |
曹诗颂 |
2022.04.07 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing |
二区 |
33 |
The Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Method for the Ming and Qing Dynasties’ Official.Style Architecture Roof Considering the Construction Regulations |
董友强,侯妙乐 |
2022.04.02 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
二区 |
34 |
Measurement and analysis of facial features of terracotta warriors based on high.precision 3D point clouds |
胡云岗 |
2022.03.31 |
Heritage Science |
三区 |
35 |
Calculation and Expression of the Urban Heat Island Indices based on GeoSOT Grid |
蒋捷 |
2022.03.29 |
二区 |
36 |
Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency in Different Ecozones of the North China Plain |
胡云岗 |
2022.03.27 |
Sustainability |
三区 |
37 |
Attention.Enhanced One.Stage Algorithm for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition |
黄鹤 |
2022.03.04 |
Journal of Sensors |
四区 |
38 |
Improved Data.Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification with Autocorrelation Matrix Modal Order Estimation for Bridge Modal Parameter Extraction Using GB.SAR Data |
刘祥磊 |
2022.02.21 |
Buildings |
三区 |
39 |
Real.Time BDS.3 Clock Estimation with a Multi.Frequency Uncombined Model including New B1C/B2a Signals |
匡开发 |
2022.02.16 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
40 |
Visual.perception.driven Urban Three.dimensional Scene Data Scheduling Method |
沈涛,霍亮 |
2022.02.07 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
41 |
3D Scene Management Method Combined with Scene Graphs |
沈涛,霍亮 |
2022.02.07 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
42 |
A Most.Unfavorable.Condition Method for Bridge.Damage Detection and Analysis Using PSP.InSAR |
王闰杰,刘祥磊 |
2022.02.01 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
43 |
Indoor Visual Positioning Method Based on Image Features |
黄鹤 |
2022.01.31 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
44 |
Extraction of a Weak Flow Field for a Multi.Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Using High.Speed Background.Oriented Schlieren (BOS) Technology |
刘祥磊 |
2022.01.20 |
Sensors |
三区 |
45 |
Long.term Land Cover Change Detection Using Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study of Chang'an University, China |
刘祥磊 |
2022.01.14 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
46 |
MS.CNN: multiscale recognition of building rooftops from high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery |
刘建华 |
2022.01.02 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing |
三区 |
47 |
Design and Implementation of a Mobile and Elevating Panoramic Acquisition Platform |
刘扬,杜明义,蔡国印 |
2021.12.01 |
四区 |
48 |
Analysis of spatiotemporal mobility of shared.bike usage during COVID.19 pandemic in Beijing |
郭贤,蒋捷 |
2021.12.01 |
Transactions in GIS |
49 |
Improve real.time GNSS orbit with epoch.independent undifferenced ambiguity resolution |
匡开发 |
2021.12.01 |
Advances in Space Research |
二区 |
50 |
Urban Land.Use Efficiency Analysis by Integrating LCRPGR and Additional Indicators |
蔡国印 |
2021.12.01 |
sustainability |
二区 |
51 |
Lane Line Detection Based on Improved Semantic Segmentation in Complex Road Environment |
罗德安,黄鹤 |
2021.11.19 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
52 |
Evaluation of LIDAR and Camera External Reference Calibration Methods |
罗德安,黄鹤 |
2021.11.18 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
53 |
Effects of leaf age and canopy structure on gross ecosystem production in a subtroest Meteorologypical evergreen chinese fir forest |
吴巧丽,蒋捷 |
2021.11.15 |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
一区 |
54 |
Study on Relative Accuracy and Verification Method of High.Definition Maps for Autonomous Driving |
黄鹤 |
2021.11.11 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
二区 |
55 |
Joint Sparsity for TomoSAR Imaging in Urban Areas Using Building POI and TerraSAR.X Staring Spotlight Data |
庞蕾 |
2021.10.17 |
Sensors |
一区 |
56 |
The Influence of Sky View Factor on Daytime and Nighttime Urban Land Surface Temperature in Different Spatial.Temporal Scales: A Case Study of Beijing |
陈强,曹诗颂 |
2021.10.14 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
57 |
The Fusion Strategy of 2D and 3D Information based on Deep Learning: A Review |
赵江洪,郭明,张瑞菊 |
2021.10.09 |
Remote sensing |
二区 |
58 |
Ming and Qing Dynasty Official.Style Architecture Roof Types Classification Based on the 3D Point Cloud |
董友强,侯妙乐 |
2021.10.08 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
二区 |
59 |
Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Urban Green Spaces on Google Earth Engine |
陈强,靖常峰 |
2021.10.02 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geography Information |
二区 |
60 |
Evaluation of Vegetation Indices and Phenological Metrics Using Time.Series MODIS Data for Monitoring Vegetation Change in Punjab, Pakistan |
胡平波 |
2021.09.17 |
二区 |
61 |
Time–Frequency Extraction Model Based on Variational Mode Decomposition and Hilbert–Huang Transform for Offshore Oil Platforms Using MIMU Data |
王坚 |
2021.09.04 |
二区 |
62 |
Urban Geospatial Information Acquisition Mobile Mapping System based on close.range photogrammetry and IGS site calibration |
郭明,赵江洪 |
2021.08.20 |
Geo.Spatial Information Science |
二区 |
63 |
How Do Two. and Three.Dimensional Urban Structures Impact Seasonal Land Surface Temperatures at Various Spatial Scales? A Case Study for the Northern Part of Brooklyn, New York, USA |
曹诗颂,杜明义,赵江洪 |
2021.08.19 |
Remote Sensing |
一区 |
64 |
Using Eco.Geographical Zoning Data and Crowdsourcing to Improve the Detection of Spurious Land Cover Changes |
朱凌 |
2021.08.16 |
remote sensing |
一区 |
65 |
Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple.Frequency Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Based on IGS Ultra.Rapid Predicted Orbits |
屈利忠,靖常峰,杜明义,王坚 |
2021.08.10 |
Remote sensing |
一区 |
66 |
Spatiotemporal variations in extreme precipitation on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin (1970–2018) |
曹诗颂 |
2021.08.10 |
Quaternary International |
三区 |
67 |
【未提供检索证明】Visualizing spatiotemporal patterns of city service demand through a space.time exploratory approach |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2021.08.01 |
Transactions in GIS |
三区 |
68 |
3D Change Detection of Urban Construction Waste Accumulations Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry |
陈强 |
2021.07.12 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
69 |
Integrating Aerial LiDAR and Very.High.Resolution Images for Urban Functional Zone Mapping |
曹诗颂,杜明义,陈强 |
2021.07.01 |
Remote Sensing |
一区 |
70 |
Robustly Adaptive EKF PDR/UWB Integrated Navigation Based on Additional Heading Constraint |
王坚 |
2021.06.26 |
Sensors |
一区 |
71 |
An Interaction.Based Bayesian Network Framework for Surgical Workflow Segmentation |
罗娜娜 |
2021.06.13 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
一区 |
72 |
Nonlinear Mixing Characteristics of Reflectance Spectra of Typical Mineral Pigments |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2021.06.12 |
Minerals |
二区 |
73 |
Reconstruction of Complex Roof Semantic Structures from 3D Point Clouds Using Local Convexity and Consistency |
胡平波 |
2021.05.17 |
Remote Sensing |
一区 |
74 |
Galileo real.time orbit determination with multi.frequency raw observations |
匡开发 |
2021.05.15 |
advances in space research |
三区 |
75 |
Estimating the determinants and spatial effects of electricity intensity in China |
沈涛 |
2021.05.01 |
Energy Strategy Reviews |
二区 |
76 |
Prediction of tourist flow based on multi.source traffic data in scenic spot |
张健钦,徐世硕 |
2021.04.08 |
Transactions in GIS |
77 |
Iterative automatic global registration algorithm for multi.view point cloud of underground tunnel space |
郭明,王国利 |
2021.03.27 |
Measurement and Control |
三区 |
78 |
SCBSS Signal De.Noising Method of Integrating EEMD and ESMD for Dynamic Deflection of Bridges Using GBSAR |
刘祥磊 |
2021.03.23 |
Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
一区 |
79 |
Integrating Global Land Cover Products to Refine GlobeLand30 Forest Types: A Case Study of Conterminous United States (CONUS) |
朱凌 |
2021.03.19 |
international journal of remote sensing |
二区 |
80 |
Orbita hyperspectral satellite image for land cover classification using random forest classifier |
曹诗颂 |
2021.03.17 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
81 |
The Influence of ENSO and MJO on Drought in Different Ecological Geographic Regions in China |
周磊,杜明义,陈强 |
2021.03.10 |
Remote Sensing |
一区 |
82 |
Restoration method of sootiness mural images based on dark channel prior and Retinex by bilateral filter |
杜明义,陈强 |
2021.03.06 |
heritage science |
二区 |
83 |
The influence of spatial grid division on the layout analysis of urban functional areas |
刘扬,杜明义 |
2021.03.01 |
二区 |
84 |
Machine Learning Comparison and Parameter Setting Methods for the Detection of Dump Sites for Construction and Demolition Waste Using the Google Earth Engine |
周磊,杜明义 |
2021.02.21 |
Remote Sensing |
一区 |
85 |
Accurate Calibration of a Self.Developed Vehicle.Borne LiDAR Scanning System |
郭明,王国利 |
2021.02.09 |
Journal of Sensors |
三区 |
86 |
High.precision detection method for large and complex steel structures based on global registration algorithm and automatic point cloud generation |
郭明,黄明 |
2021.02.08 |
Measurement |
一区 |
87 |
Big Data Supported the Identification of Urban Land Efficiency in Eurasia by Indicator SDG 11.3.1 |
蔡国印,杜明义 |
2021.02.02 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation |
三区 |
88 |
Vegetation structural change and CO2 fertilization more than offset gross primary production decline caused by reduced solar radiation in China |
吴巧丽 |
2021.01.15 |
Agricultural & Forest Meteorology |
一区 |
89 |
Improving the Accuracy of Remote Sensing Land Cover Classification by GEO.ECO Zoning Coupled with Geostatistical Simulation |
朱凌 |
2021.01.08 |
Applied Sciences |
二区 |
90 |
Identification and Evaluation of Urban Construction Waste with VHR Remote Sensing Using Multi.Feature Analysis and a Hierarchical Segmentation Method |
陈强,杜明义,周磊,刘扬 |
2021.01.06 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
91 |
The Long.Time Variation of Lake in Typical Desert Area and Its Human and Climate Change Causes: A Case Study of the Hongjian Nur |
周磊 |
2021.01.01 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
一区 |
92 |
LAI.indicated vegetation dynamic in ecologically fragile region: A case study in the Three.North Shelter Forest program region of China |
胡云岗,侯妙乐 |
2021.01.01 |
Ecological Indicators |
一区 |
93 |
Temporal Coherence Changes of Typical Urban Features Based on Sentinel.1A Data |
张学东,刘祥磊 |
2020.12.31 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
94 |
Optimization of Seasonal Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for Accurate Estimation of Seasonal PM2.5 Concentrations in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region |
周磊,杜明义,靖常峰 |
2020.12.30 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
95 |
Improved Lane Detection Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Self.attention Distillation |
黄鹤,罗德安 |
2020.12.29 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
96 |
Integration of Extreme.point Symmetric Mode Decomposition and Singular Value Decomposition for Dynamic Deflection Denoising of Urban Bridges Obtained by Ground.based Microwave Interferometry |
刘祥磊 |
2020.12.29 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
97 |
Identification of urban land use efficiency by indicator.SDG 11.3.1 |
蔡国印,杜明义 |
2020.12.28 |
二区 |
98 |
A BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning and Navigation |
刘建华 |
2020.12.13 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
99 |
YOLOv3 Object Detection Algorithm with Feature Pyramid Attention for Remote Sensing Images |
吕京国 |
2020.12.07 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
100 |
An Adaptive Cutoff Frequency Selection Approach for Fast Fourier Transform Method and Its Application into Short.term Traffic Flow Forecasting |
王闰杰,刘祥磊 |
2020.12.07 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
101 |
Method of Unsupervised Static Recognition and Dynamic Tracking for Vehicles |
吕京国 |
2020.12.02 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
102 |
Expressway Guardrail Extraction and Classification Based on Slice Method |
黄明 |
2020.12.01 |
四区 |
103 |
Rapid Extraction of Research Areas from Scientifc and Technological Literature |
尹川,靖常峰,黄鹤 |
2020.12.01 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
104 |
Spectral heat aging model to estimate the age of seals on painting and calligraphy |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2020.12.01 |
Journal of cultural heritage |
二区 |
105 |
Bridge Damage Identification by Ground.based Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Blind Source Separation and Noise Reduction Technology |
陈强,刘祥磊 |
2020.12.01 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
106 |
Method of Predicting Passenger Flow in Scenic Areas Considering Multisource Traffic Data |
张健钦,张学东 |
2020.12.01 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
107 |
Spatial Distribution of Construction Waste Recycling Facilities |
刘扬 |
2020.11.30 |
四区 |
108 |
Traffic Index Prediction and Classification Considering Characteristics of Time Series Based on Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Convolutional Neural Network Model |
张学东,张健钦 |
2020.11.30 |
Sensors and Materials, |
四区 |
109 |
Novel Trajectory Optimization Algorithm of Vehicle.borne LiDAR Mobile Measurement System |
郭明 |
2020.11.30 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
110 |
Multi.scale three.dimensional detection of urban buildings using aerial LiDAR data |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2020.11.16 |
GIScience and Remote Sensing |
一区 |
111 |
Multi.temporal Land Cover Change Mapping using Google Earth Engine and Ensemble Learning Methods |
黄鹤 |
2020.11.15 |
Applied Sciences |
二区 |
112 |
Automatic Unsupervised Landslide Detection Method Based on Single High.resolution Optical Image for Emergency Response |
尹川 |
2020.11.01 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
113 |
Impact of active “organic decentralization population” policy on future urban built.up areas: Beijing case study |
刘芳 |
2020.11.01 |
Habitat International |
一区 |
114 |
Global COVID.19 pandemic demands joint interventions for the suppression of future waves |
张健钦 |
2020.10.20 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the united states of america |
一区 |
115 |
A Novel Spectral Matching Approach for Pigment: Spectral Subsection Identification Considering Ion Absorption Characteristics |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2020.10.18 |
remote sensing |
二区 |
116 |
A Method for 3D Reconstruction of the Ming and Qing Official.Style Roof Using a Decorative Components Template Library |
侯妙乐 |
2020.10.01 |
三区 |
117 |
Quantitative evaluation of spatial differentiation for public open spaces in urban built.up areas by assessing SDG 11.7: A Case of Deqing County |
陈强,杜明义,靖常峰 |
2020.10.01 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
118 |
Multi.level monitoring of three.dimensional building changes for megacities: Trajectory, morphology, and landscape |
曹诗颂,杜明义,胡云岗 |
2020.09.01 |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
一区 |
119 |
Spatiotemporal Changes of Riverbed and Surrounding Environment in Yongding River (Beijing section) in the Past 40 Years |
黄鹤 |
2020.07.30 |
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology |
四区 |
120 |
Camera Rapid Calibration Method for Mobile Road Measurement System |
黄鹤,罗德安 |
2020.07.20 |
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology |
四区 |
121 |
Triple.Frequency GPS Un.Differenced and Uncombined PPP Ambiguity Resolution Using Observable.Specific Satellite Signal Biases |
柳根,王坚,杜明义,屈利忠 |
2020.07.18 |
一区 |
122 |
Visual Odometry Implementation and Accuracy Evaluation Based on Real.time Appearance.based Mapping |
黄鹤 |
2020.07.10 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
123 |
A Morphology Filter.Assisted Extreme.Point Symmetric Mode Decomposition (MF.ESMD) Denoising Method for Bridge Dynamic Deflection Based on Ground.Based Microwave Interferometry |
刘祥磊 |
2020.06.22 |
Shock and Vibration |
三区 |
124 |
An Approach Focusing on the Convolutional Layer Characteristics of the VGG Network for Vehicle Tracking |
吕京国 |
2020.06.17 |
access |
一区 |
125 |
An Integrated Approach for Detection and Prediction of Greening Situation in a Typical Desert Area in China and Its Human and Climatic Factors Analysis |
周磊,杜明义 |
2020.06.02 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
二区 |
126 |
A robust extended Kalman filter applied to Ultrawideband positioning |
韩厚增,王坚 |
2020.05.30 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
三区 |
127 |
Integration of Constructive Solid Geometry and Boundary Representation (CSG.BRep) for 3D Modeling of Underground Cable Wells from Point Clouds |
黄明,刘祥磊 |
2020.05.04 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
128 |
Quantitative analysis of mixed pigments for Chinese paintings using the improved method of ratio spectra derivative spectrophotometry based on mode |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2020.03.30 |
Heritage science |
二区 |
129 |
Real.time concealed object detection from passive millimeter wave images based on the yolov3 algorithm |
庞蕾 |
2020.03.15 |
sensors |
二区 |
130 |
A high.precision calibration approach for Camera.IMU pose parameters with adaptive constraints of multiple error equations |
邱冬炜,丁克良 |
2020.03.01 |
Measurement |
一区 |
131 |
Integrating multiview optical point clouds and multispectral images from ZiYuan.3 satellite remote sensing data to generate an urban digital surface model |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2020.03.01 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
132 |
Performance of Tightly Coupled Integration of GPS/BDS/MEMS INS/Odometer for Real.Time high.precision vehicle positioning in urban degraded and denied environment |
韩厚增 |
2020.02.28 |
Journal of Sensors |
三区 |
133 |
Fine.Grained Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Inbound Tourists Based on Geotagged Photos: A Case Study in Beijing, China |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2020.02.05 |
IEEE Access |
一区 |
134 |
A rainwater control optimization design approach for airports based on a self.organizing feature map neural network model |
邱冬炜,罗德安,丁克良 |
2020.01.21 |
二区 |
135 |
High.speed videogrammetric measurement of the deformation of shaking table multi.layer structures |
刘祥磊 |
2020.01.11 |
Measurement |
一区 |
136 |
Intelligent Object Recognition of Urban Water Bodies Based on Deep Learning for Multi.Source and Multi.Temporal High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery |
刘建华,杜明义 |
2020.01.10 |
Sensor |
一区 |
137 |
Uncertainty Problems in Image Change Detection |
王文宇 |
2019.12.31 |
Sustainability |
四区 |
138 |
An Efficient Encoding Voxel.Based Segmentation (EVBS) Algorithm Based on Fast Adjacent Voxel Search for Point Cloud Plane Segmentation |
黄明,刘祥磊 |
2019.12.01 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
139 |
Spatiotemporal Variations In Agricultural Flooding In Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River From 1970 to 2018 |
曹诗颂 |
2019.12.01 |
Sustainability |
二区 |
140 |
Examination Progress about the Application of Remote Sensing Data in Agricultural Drought Monitoring |
余凡 |
2019.11.15 |
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia de la Universidad del Zulia |
四区 |
141 |
A Distributed Collaborative Urban Traffic Big Data System based on Cloud Computing |
张健钦,杜明义 |
2019.10.18 |
二区 |
142 |
A Novel Evaluation Approach of County.Level City Disaster Resilience and Urban Environmental Cleanliness Based on SDG11 and Deqing County’s Situation |
杜明义,周磊,蔡国印 |
2019.10.16 |
Sustainability |
二区 |
143 |
Geospatial Dashboards for Monitoring Smart City Performance |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2019.10.14 |
Sustainability |
二区 |
144 |
Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy |
贾涛 |
2019.10.06 |
remote sensing |
一区 |
145 |
Surface Heterogeneity.Involved Estimation of Sample Size for Accuracy Assessment of Land Cover Product from Satellite Imagery |
朱凌 |
2019.10.02 |
Sensors |
一区 |
146 |
MagPP: Combining Particle Filters and Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Algorithm with Geomagnetism for Indoor Positioning Using Smartphone |
黄鹤,罗德安 |
2019.09.02 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
147 |
Performance Assessment for Combined GPS and BDS Real.time Precise Point Positioning in the Coastal Region of Bohai Gulf, China |
屈利忠,黄鹤,杜明义 |
2019.08.31 |
Journal of coastal research |
四区 |
148 |
An Improved Second.Order Blind Identification (SOBI) Signal De.Noising Method for Dynamic Deflection Measurements of Bridges Using Ground.Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR) |
刘祥磊,黄明 |
2019.08.30 |
Applied Sciences.Basel |
二区 |
149 |
A lightweight collaborative GIS data editing approach to support urban planning |
靖常峰 |
2019.08.16 |
Sustainability |
二区 |
150 |
SensorMon: An Internet.of.Things System for Maintaining and Monitoring Sensor Device |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2019.08.05 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
151 |
Detecting Anomalous Vessel Dynamics with Functional Data Analysis |
黄鹤 |
2019.08.01 |
Journal of Coastal Research |
四区 |
152 |
Exploiting Cosegmentation and Geo.Eco Zoning for Land Cover Product Updating |
朱凌 |
2019.08.01 |
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing |
三区 |
153 |
An Emergency Seamless Positioning Technique Based on ad hoc UWB Networking Using Robust EKF |
韩厚增,王坚 |
2019.07.16 |
Sensors |
三区 |
154 |
Detailed Urban Land Use Land Cover Classification at the Metropolitan Scale Using a Three.Layer Classification Scheme |
蔡国印,杜明义 |
2019.07.15 |
Sensors |
二区 |
155 |
An Automatic Density Clustering Segmentation Method for Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data of Buildings |
赵江洪,危双丰,张瑞菊 |
2019.07.07 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
四区 |
156 |
Landslide monitoring analysis of single.frequency BDS/GPS combined positioning with constraintson deformation characteristics |
邱冬炜,罗德安,黄鹤 |
2019.07.04 |
三区 |
157 |
Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Surface Water Extraction in a Landsat 8 Scene of Nepal |
2019.06.20 |
Sensors |
四区 |
158 |
The Comparison of Fusion Methods for HSRRSI Considering the Effectiveness of Land Cover (Features) Object Recognition Based on Deep Learning |
刘建华 |
2019.06.17 |
Remote Sensing |
四区 |
159 |
Virtual Restoration of Stained Chinese Paintings Using Patch.Based Color Constrained Poisson Editing with Selected Hyperspectral Feature Bands |
侯妙乐,吕书强 |
2019.06.10 |
remote sensing |
四区 |
160 |
Deformation Activity Analysis of a Ground Fissure Based on Instantaneous Total Energy |
刘祥磊 |
2019.06.08 |
Sensors |
四区 |
161 |
An Indoor Localization Method for Pedestrians Base on Combined UWB PDR Floor Map |
王坚,韩厚增 |
2019.06.06 |
sensors |
二区 |
162 |
An Indoor Localization Method for Pedestrians Base on Combined UWB/PDR/Floor Map |
王坚,韩厚增 |
2019.06.06 |
三区 |
163 |
Multi.Resolution Segmentation Parameters Optimization and Evaluation for VHR Remote Sensing Image Based on meanNSQI and Discrepancy Measure |
陈强,靖常峰 |
2019.06.04 |
Journal of Spatial Science |
四区 |
164 |
Surfaces of revolution (SORs) reconstruction using a self.adaptive generatrix line extraction method from point clouds |
刘祥磊,黄明 |
2019.05.10 |
Remote sensing |
二区 |
165 |
A Robust Noise Mitigation Method for the Mobile RFID Location in Built Environment |
靖常峰,陈强,杜明义 |
2019.05.09 |
Sensors |
四区 |
166 |
Application of Water Indices in Surface Water Change Detection Using Landsat Imagery in Nepal |
黄鹤 |
2019.04.30 |
Sensors and Materials |
四区 |
167 |
A Deformation Prediction Approach for Supertall Building Using Sensor Monitoring System |
邱冬炜,黄鹤 |
2019.04.24 |
Journal of Sensors |
四区 |
168 |
Precise point positioning ambiguity resolution by integrating BDS.3e into BDS.2 and GPS |
屈利忠,杜明义,王坚 |
2019.04.12 |
GPS Solutions |
一区 |
169 |
Extracting multi.features and optimizing feature space with sparse auto.encoder over WorldView.2 images |
吕京国 |
2019.03.26 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing |
四区 |
170 |
Damage Detection and Analysis of Urban Bridges Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), Ground.Based Microwave Interferometry, and Permanent Scatterer Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS.InSAR) |
刘祥磊,张学东 |
2019.03.09 |
Remote sensing |
一区 |
171 |
Single.frequency precise point positioning enhanced with multi.GNSS observations and global ionosphere maps |
韩厚增 |
2019.01.01 |
Measurement Science and Technology |
四区 |
172 |
Two.Level W.ESMD Denoising for Dynamic Deflection Measurement of Railway Bridges by Microwave Interferometry |
刘祥磊 |
2018.12.23 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
二区 |
173 |
A New Weighting Approach with Application to Ionospheric Delay Constraint for GPS/GALILEO Real.Time Precise Point Positioning |
王坚 |
2018.12.07 |
四区 |
174 |
Tri.Camera High.Speed Videogrammetry for Three.Dimensional Measurement of Laminated Rubber Bearings Based on the Large.Scale Shaking Table |
刘祥磊 |
2018.11.28 |
Remote Sensing |
二区 |
175 |
Filling method for soil moisture based on BP neural network |
余凡 |
2018.09.24 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
176 |
An Optimal Radial Basis Function Neural Network Enhanced Adaptive Robust Kalman Filter for GNSS/INS Integrated Systems in Complex Urban Areas |
王坚,韩厚增 |
2018.09.13 |
sensors |
四区 |
177 |
Novel Method for Virtual Restoration of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometric Structure Based on Multiscale Spatial Geometry |
侯妙乐,胡云岗 |
2018.08.27 |
International Journal of Geo.Information |
四区 |
178 |
Segmentation model based on convolutional neural networks for extracting vegetation from Gaofen.2 images |
余凡 |
2018.08.02 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
179 |
An adaptive scale estimating method of multiscale image segmentation based on vector edge and spectral statistics information |
刘建华 |
2018.07.31 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing |
二区 |
180 |
Soil erosion and chemical weathering in a region with typical karst topography |
尹川 |
2018.07.02 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
四区 |
181 |
Relationship of root zone soil moisture with solar.induced chlorophyll fluorescence and vegetation indices in winter wheat: A comparative study based on continuous ground.measurements |
周磊 |
2018.07.01 |
Ecological Indicators |
一区 |
182 |
张学东 |
2018.06.07 |
thermal science |
四区 |
183 |
New high.fidelity terrain modeling method constrained by terrain semanteme |
张学东 |
2018.06.07 |
plos one |
四区 |
184 |
Evaluating the utility of solar.induced chlorophyll fluorescence for drought monitoring by comparison with NDVI derived from wheat canopy |
周磊 |
2018.06.01 |
Science of The Total Environment |
一区 |
185 |
Influences of multiple layers of air temperature differences on tidal forces and tectonic stress before, during and after the Jiujiang earthquake |
张学东 |
2018.06.01 |
remote sensing of environment |
一区 |
186 |
Dynamic Monitoring and Evaluation of Ancient Bridges by Ground.based Microwave Interferometry and the ESMD Method |
刘祥磊,黄鹤 |
2018.05.16 |
Remote sensing |
一区 |
187 |
A Low.Cost Collaborative Location Scheme with GNSS and RFID for the Internet of Things |
靖常峰,杜明义,周磊 |
2018.05.09 |
International Journal of Geo.Information |
四区 |
188 |
Landslide monitoring analysis of single.frequency BDS/GPS combined positioning with constraints on deformation characteristics |
邱冬炜,罗德安,黄鹤 |
2018.05.05 |
Survey Review |
三区 |
189 |
Development of mobile platform for indoor positioning reference map using geomagnetic field data |
黄鹤 |
2018.05.01 |
Computers and Electrical Engineering |
四区 |
190 |
Evaluation and Analysis of Dam Operating Status Using One Clock.Synchronized Dual.Antenna Receiver |
邱冬炜 |
2018.04.22 |
Journal of Sensors |
四区 |
191 |
An Improved Particle Filter Algorithm for Geomagnetic Indoor Positioning |
黄鹤,罗德安,邱冬炜 |
2018.03.19 |
Journal of Sensors |
四区 |
192 |
ESMD.based stability analysis in the progressive collapse of a building model A case study of a reinforced concrete frame.shear wall model |
刘祥磊,黄鹤 |
2018.03.17 |
Measurement |
一区 |
193 |
Precise Orbit Determination of FY.3C with Calibration of Orbit Biases in BeiDou GEO Satellites |
屈利忠 |
2018.03.01 |
Remote Sensing |
四区 |
194 |
Generalized total Kalman filter algorithm of nonlinear dynamic errors.in.variables model with application on indoor mobile robot positioning |
王坚,韩厚增 |
2018.03.01 |
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica |
四区 |
195 |
A Parallel and Optimization Approach for Land.Surface Temperature Retrieval on a Windows.Based PC Cluster |
邱冬炜 |
2018.02.28 |
Sustainability |
四区 |
196 |
GPS/BDS/INS tightly coupled integration accuracy improvement using an improved adaptive interacting multiple model with classified measurement update |
韩厚增,王坚,杜明义 |
2017.12.01 |
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics |
三区 |
197 |
WLAN Fingerprint Indoor Positioning Strategy Based on Implicit Crowdsourcing and Semi.Supervised Learning |
王坚 |
2017.11.09 |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo.Information |
三区 |
198 |
Extracting Faded Mural Patterns Based on the Combination of Spatial.Spectral Feature of Hyperspectral Image |
侯妙乐,吕书强 |
2017.10.01 |
Journal of Cultural Heritage |
三区 |
199 |
Quantitative and detailed spatiotemporal patterns of drought in China during 2001–2013 |
周磊 |
2017.07.01 |
Science of The Total Environment |
一区 |
200 |
Scale computation on high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery multi.scale segmentation |
刘建华 |
2017.06.05 |
201 |
A Fast SINS Initial Alignment Method Based on RTS Forward and Backward Resolution |
韩厚增,王坚,杜明义 |
2017.05.10 |
Journal of Sensors |
二区 |
202 |
Space–time visualization analysis of bus passenger big data in Beijing |
张健钦 |
2017.05.09 |
Cluster Computing |
203 |
Impact of the 2008 Olympic Games on urban thermal environment inBeijing, China from satellite images |
蔡国印,刘扬,杜明义 |
2017.04.06 |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
二区 |
204 |
Study on Driving Mechanisms of Land Use Change in the Coastal Area of Jiangsu, China |
黄鹤 |
2017.02.10 |
Journal of Coastal Research |
205 |
A space.time visualization analysis method for taxi operation in Beijing |
张健钦 |
2015.12.09 |
206 |
Key Technology of Massive Spatial Data Management Centered on T.LIDAR Point Cloud |
郭明,黄明,赵江洪,罗德安 |
2015.12.08 |
Journal of Investigative Medicine |
207 |
郭明,王晏民,黄明,王国利 |
2015.11.02 |
208 |
Study on the Reflection Characteristics of Mineral Pigment based on Hyper.Spectral Imaging and LiDAR Technique |
郭明,王晏民,王国利 |
2015.11.01 |
Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association |
209 |
Measurement of Long.term Periodic and Dynamic Deflection of the Long.span Railway Bridge using Microwave Interferometry |
刘祥磊,丁克良,赵西安,朱凌,张学东 |
2015.09.17 |
210 |
Application of ground.based synthetic aperture radar technique for emergency monitoring of deep foundation excavation |
刘祥磊,赵西安,丁克良,朱凌 |
2015.08.18 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing |
四区 |
211 |
Videogrammetric Technique for Three.Dimensional Structural Progressive Collapse Measurement |
刘祥磊 |
2015.01.02 |
Measurment |
二区 |
212 |
郭明,王晏民,黄明 |
2014.11.01 |
Journal of Investigative Medicine |
213 |
外商直接投资对中国区域产业发展不平衡测度及影响分析 |
刘芳 |
2014.06.22 |
首都经济贸易大学学报 |
序号 |
专利名称 |
专利号 |
专利发明(设计)人 |
授权日期 |
1 |
一种建筑物实景地图制作方法及系统 |
ZL201911205533.2 |
刘建华 |
2022.11.22 |
2 |
施工现场塔式起重机坍塌应急处置系统 |
ZL201910948435.1 |
周命端,杜明义,王坚,丁克良 |
2022.11.22 |
3 |
基于CFD的考虑建筑体穿流效应 的建筑风环境评估方法 |
5601265 |
刘芳,周命端 |
2022.11.22 |
4 |
一种全景图像处理方法和全景图像处理装置 |
ZL202210682109.2 |
杨军星,黄鹤,王坚 |
2022.09.27 |
5 |
基于快速邻接体素查询的点云平面分割方法 |
ZL201910650343.5 |
黄明 |
2022.09.16 |
6 |
一种塔式起重机检验的三维激光扫描方法 |
ZL2021 1 0074963.6 |
丁克良,周命端,周乐皆,罗德安,王坚 |
2022.09.02 |
7 |
一种利用三维激光的塔式起重机扫描检验方法 |
ZL202110075520.9 |
周命端,周乐皆,罗德安,王坚,丁克良 |
2022.09.02 |
8 |
塔式起重机三维激光扫描检验方法 |
ZL2021 1 0075987.3 |
丁克良,周命端,周乐皆,罗德安,王坚 |
2022.08.30 |
9 |
一种室内外一体化三维导航路径规划方法 |
ZL201810512584.9 |
危双丰 |
2022.07.26 |
10 |
GNSS精准定位建筑塔机横臂位置的可靠性验证方法 |
ZL202110635349.2 |
周命端,周乐皆,丁克良,王坚 |
2022.07.22 |
11 |
一种基于视频卫星数据的大视场交通密度获取方法 |
2021116575992 |
吕京国 |
2022.07.15 |
12 |
地下大空间高精度定位方法 |
ZL202111617089.2 |
郭明 |
2022.07.15 |
13 |
建筑物信息的提取方法、装置及计算机设备 |
ZL 2020 1 0060603.6 |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2022.07.15 |
14 |
基于向量约束的OD流聚类方法 |
ZL 2019 1 0764133.9 |
张健钦,张学东 |
2022.07.15 |
15 |
一种基于分类结果及CVA.SGD法的建筑垃圾变化检测方法 |
ZL 2021 1 1413389.9 |
陈强,杜明义,刘扬,周磊 |
2022.07.08 |
16 |
一种基于时空信息辅助的无人机视频车辆跟踪方法 |
2021115331740 |
吕京国 |
2022.06.03 |
17 |
一种基于车辆特征匹配的无人机视频车辆检索方法 |
2021115342124 |
吕京国 |
2022.06.03 |
18 |
城市公共自行车接驳地铁时空分析方法 |
ZL 2019 1 0764141.3 |
张健钦,张学东 |
2022.05.10 |
19 |
车载移动激光雷达测量系统时间同步方法及装置 |
ZL2020102813990.0 |
郭明 |
2022.05.03 |
20 |
基于纹理的文物病害高精度自动提取方法 |
ZL201910973573.5 |
胡春梅 |
2022.05.03 |
21 |
Method for Dim and Small Object Detection Based on Discriminant Feature of Video Satellite Data |
11315345 |
吕京国 |
2022.04.26 |
22 |
一种建筑信息模型轻量化和三维场景可视化的方法及系统 |
ZL201810449435.2 |
刘建华 |
2022.04.22 |
23 |
建筑物变化的监测方法、装置及计算机设备 |
ZL 2020 1 0060604.0 |
曹诗颂,杜明义 |
2022.04.15 |
24 |
地理信息知识图谱的构建方法、装置、存储介质及计算机设备 |
ZL202010362716.1 |
尹川,杜明义 |
2022.04.05 |
25 |
带有孔洞的三维点云的建模方法及地下电缆工井建模方法 |
ZL201810507359.6 |
赵江洪,黄明,张瑞菊,郭明,危双丰 |
2022.04.05 |
26 |
顾及三维拓扑的地下工井设施建模方法 |
ZL201810409642.5 |
黄明 |
2022.03.29 |
27 |
起重机GNSS检测用偏摆测量装置 |
ZL202010585902.1 |
周命端,王坚,周乐皆 |
2022.02.08 |
28 |
建筑塔机塔顶三维动态检测与分级预警装置 |
ZL202010142144.6 |
周命端 |
2022.01.18 |
29 |
一种利用GNSS测速技术的塔机倾斜监控预警系统 |
ZL201810761548.6 |
周命端,王坚,周乐皆,丁克良,刘旭春 |
2022.01.04 |
30 |
基于卫星定位的建筑塔机侧向垂直度自动化检测系统 |
ZL202010031504.5 |
周命端 |
2021.12.17 |
31 |
一种利用GNSS定位吊钩的方法 |
ZL202010459090.6 |
周命端,杜明义,周乐皆,罗德安,丁克良 |
2021.12.17 |
32 |
地理信息知识点抽取方法、装置、存储介质及计算机设备 |
ZL2020103663296.9 |
尹川,杜明义 |
2021.12.14 |
33 |
基于互信息的点云与影像自动高精度配准方法 |
ZL201811268499.9 |
胡春梅 |
2021.10.15 |
34 |
三维激光扫描仪外置相机联合获取三维彩色点云的方法 |
ZL2018 10258573.2 |
黄明 |
2021.10.15 |
35 |
一种探查层叠区域三角网格的方法 |
ZL201810055440.5 |
胡云岗,侯妙乐 |
2021.10.15 |
36 |
一种基于可量测实景的城市部件搜索方法 |
ZL202110262146.3 |
刘扬,杜明义 |
2021.10.08 |
37 |
基于面向对象分层分割的建筑垃圾分离方法及相关产品 |
ZL202011592839.0 |
陈强,周磊,刘扬 |
2021.10.01 |
38 |
一种具有导向罩的防摇摆建筑塔式起重机 |
ZL202010439827.8 |
周命端,周乐皆,刘芳 |
2021.09.28 |
39 |
一种相位式三维激光扫描点云噪声滤除方法 |
201910503302.3 |
王国利,郭明 |
2021.09.14 |
40 |
Bridge time series displacement signal denoising method |
2021103898 |
刘祥磊 |
2021.08.25 |
41 |
一种基于双向跟踪策略的视频卫星移动目标检测方法 |
ZL2020108725349 |
吕京国 |
2021.08.24 |
42 |
基于GNSS技术的建筑塔机塔臂健康监测预警方法和系统 |
ZL201911079131.2 |
周命端,郭明,赵西安 |
2021.08.24 |
43 |
一种重构重叠区域三角网格的方法 |
ZL201810054114.2 |
胡云岗,侯妙乐 |
2021.07.30 |
44 |
基于卫星定位的建筑塔机臂尖监测方法及系统 |
ZL201911275713.8 |
周命端 |
2021.07.27 |
45 |
一种终端室内定位方法及系统 |
ZL201911223157.X |
刘建华 |
2021.07.27 |
46 |
一种基于点云的建筑塔机塔身垂直度检测系统 |
ZL201910948237.5 |
周命端,杜明义,周乐皆 |
2021.06.22 |
47 |
建筑塔机及其吊钩位置精准定位可靠性验证系统 |
ZL201910781855.5 |
周命端,王坚,丁克良,周乐皆 |
2021.06.22 |
48 |
一种基于背景知识增强的视频卫星目标跟踪方法 |
ZL 2020.1.0872543.8 |
吕京国 |
2021.05.25 |
49 |
一种测量机器人的自动寻点照准方法及测量机器人 |
ZL2019 10991942.3 |
丁克良 |
2021.05.25 |
50 |
利用细化空间分隔法从点云提取室内导航元素的方法(授权) |
ZL201910437237.9 |
危双丰 |
2021.05.18 |
51 |
基于视频流图像的分块信号转换与目标检测方法及装置 |
ZL201810201588.5 |
王荣华,杜明义 |
2021.05.14 |
52 |
一种建筑塔机横臂位置精准定位可靠性验证方法 |
ZL201910781843.2 |
周命端,周乐皆,丁克良,王坚 |
2021.05.11 |
53 |
一种在线提取视频卫星数据鉴别特征的方法 |
ZL 2020.1.0881676.1 |
吕京国 |
2021.04.23 |
54 |
多目立体视觉与惯性导航系统及相对位姿参数确定方法 |
ZL201910379392.X |
邱冬炜 |
2021.04.13 |
55 |
一种基于视频卫星数据鉴别特征的弱小目标检测方法 |
ZL 2020.1.0872520.7 |
吕京国 |
2021.04.06 |
56 |
城市景观影像数据的融合方法及系统 |
ZL201810184867.5 |
靖常峰,杜明义,陈强 |
2021.04.06 |
57 |
基于倾斜影像的建筑物纹理提取方法与装置 |
ZL201811064682.7 |
庞蕾,张学东 |
2021.04.02 |
58 |
基于卫星定位的建筑塔机坍塌应急决策辅助系统 |
ZL201911098879.7 |
周命端,杜明义,王坚 |
2021.03.30 |
59 |
预测颗粒物浓度的方法、装置、存储介质及电子设备 |
ZL 2019 1 0882735.4 |
周磊,杜明义,靖常峰 |
2021.02.05 |
60 |
基于三维激光扫描技术的塔式起重机检验方法 |
ZL201811449894.7 |
周命端,周乐皆,罗德安,丁克良,王坚 |
2021.02.05 |
61 |
基于倾斜航空影像的建筑物纹理提取方法 |
ZL201910091945.1 |
张学东,庞蕾 |
2021.02.02 |
62 |
基于三角网内插及约束的文物序列影像精细三维重建方法 |
ZL201710793380.2 |
胡春梅 |
2021.01.26 |
63 |
一种桥梁动挠度降噪方法及系统 |
ZL 2018 1 0395712.6 |
刘祥磊 |
2021.01.01 |
64 |
一种古字画辅助断代方法 |
ZL 2018 1 0128702.6 |
吕书强,侯妙乐 |
2021.01.01 |
65 |
一种建筑垃圾遥感图像样本的生成方法 |
ZL201911003405.X |
刘扬,杜明义 |
2020.12.04 |
66 |
一种高速周期运动的视觉实时检测方法 |
ZL201810114345.8 |
王荣华,杜明义 |
2020.11.24 |
67 |
一种基于影像协同分割与生态地理分区规则库的地表覆盖产品增量更新方法 |
ZL201810001776.3 |
朱凌 |
2020.11.24 |
68 |
利用高速摄影技术监测塔式起重机的方法 |
ZL201910419838.7 |
周命端 |
2020.10.30 |
69 |
一种钢结构测量方法及系统 |
ZL201810796273.X |
王国利 |
2020.10.16 |
70 |
一种顾及风速影响的建筑施工塔吊机防碰撞预警系统 |
ZL201911042103.3 |
周命端,丁克良 |
2020.08.28 |
71 |
一种地块分割方法及系统 |
ZL 201710824147.6 |
刘扬,蔡国印,王荣华 |
2020.06.16 |
72 |
一种大型起重机的移动测量与反馈控制系统及方法 |
ZL201810045447.9 |
郭明 |
2020.06.05 |
73 |
基于机器学习的建筑垃圾分类方法及装置 |
ZL201910856646.2 |
周磊 |
2020.06.02 |
74 |
一种偏摆校准塔式起重机及其吊钩的偏摆校准方法 |
ZL201810602081.0 |
周命端,周乐皆,王坚 |
2020.05.19 |
75 |
一种防摇摆建筑施工塔式起重机 |
ZL201810602869.1 |
周命端,周乐皆,刘芳 |
2020.04.28 |
76 |
一种基于GNSS的塔机吊钩定位方法 |
ZL201810362613.8 |
周命端,杜明义,周乐皆,罗德安,丁克良 |
2020.04.28 |
77 |
多功能竖向测量联系测量一体化三维坐标传递装置及方法 |
ZL201810019183.X |
邱冬炜,丁克良,黄鹤,罗德安 |
2020.04.28 |
78 |
一种建筑施工塔吊机群防碰撞中央处理装置 |
ZL201811343361.0 |
周命端,丁克良 |
2020.04.17 |
79 |
一种基于全景影像的界桩信息管理方法 |
ZL201710372837.2 |
黄鹤,邱冬炜 |
2020.04.14 |
80 |
空间数据的采集方法及系统 |
ZL201711318919.5 |
黄鹤,李若鹏,罗德安,邱冬炜 |
2020.02.07 |
81 |
建筑施工塔吊机的GNSS塔身健康监测预警系统和方法 |
ZL201711234684.1 |
周命端,郭明,赵西安 |
2020.02.07 |
82 |
建筑施工塔吊机的GNSS塔臂健康监测预警系统和方法 |
ZL201711234776.X |
周命端,郭明,赵西安 |
2020.02.07 |
83 |
一种建筑施工塔吊机避碰方法 |
ZL201811337568.7 |
周命端,丁克良,赵西安 |
2020.01.21 |
84 |
一种建筑施工塔吊机防碰系统 |
ZL201811343551.2 |
周命端,丁克良 |
2020.01.14 |
85 |
一种车道线提取方法及装置 |
ZL201710471518 .7 |
刘扬,杜明义,蔡国印 |
2019.12.20 |
86 |
一种自动点位放样机器人及方法 |
ZL201810089572.X |
邱冬炜,丁克良 |
2019.12.03 |
87 |
地表水水质数据粗误差筛查方法及装置 |
ZI 2016 1 0899743.6 |
周磊,靖常峰,杜明义 |
2019.11.15 |
88 |
高层建筑摆幅测量方法及装置 |
ZL201710340369.0 |
刘祥磊 |
2019.10.18 |
89 |
建筑施工塔式起重机及吊钩定位系统 |
ZL201810360792.1 |
周命端,杜明义,周乐皆,王坚,丁克良 |
2019.10.08 |
90 |
一种利用立体成像技术的智能塔式起重机 |
ZL201810847004.1 |
周命端 |
2019.10.01 |
91 |
精准定位吊钩位置的GNSS双吊绳段建筑施工塔吊机 |
ZL201711162655.9 |
周命端,赵西安 |
2019.09.10 |
92 |
一种利用RTK.SLAM技术的智能塔式起重机 |
ZL201810845669.9 |
周命端 |
2019.08.02 |
93 |
一种智能塔式起重机 |
ZL201810843692.4 |
周命端 |
2019.07.30 |
94 |
一种罩式防摇摆建筑施工塔式起重机 |
ZL201810602105.2 |
周命端,周乐皆,蔡剑红 |
2019.07.26 |
95 |
一种基于微波干涉的桥梁动挠度检测的方法及装置 |
ZL201619866252.1 |
刘祥磊,吕京国,周命端 |
2019.05.03 |
96 |
用于激光雷达的平面反射标靶中心点位置提取方法 |
ZL201610424032.3 |
郭明 |
2019.03.22 |
97 |
基于点特征直方图的点云自动配准方法 |
ZL201610371302.9 |
黄明 |
2019.03.01 |
98 |
一种基于高精度点位测量的三维激光扫描数据坐标转换工具及方法 |
ZL201610348310.1 |
胡云岗,侯妙乐 |
2019.02.15 |
99 |
建筑施工塔吊机群吊装作业防碰撞预警方法 |
ZL201710683912.7 |
周命端,丁克良,赵西安 |
2019.02.12 |
100 |
建筑施工塔吊机群防碰撞预警辅助系统 |
ZL201710683918.4 |
周命端,丁克良 |
2019.02.12 |
101 |
基于自适应分段最小外接矩形的街景影像检索方法及装置 |
ZL201810157720.7 |
靖常峰,杜明义 |
2019.02.05 |
102 |
可自动升降装置 |
ZL 201610498114.2 |
郭明 |
2019.01.15 |
103 |
顾及障碍物和子空间剖分的室内导航方法及系统 |
ZL201610465733.1 |
危双丰,黄明 |
2019.01.15 |
104 |
一种可用于三维激光扫描标靶的GNSS接收机 |
ZL201820456696.2 |
周命端,王国利,郭明 |
2018.10.02 |
105 |
层次递进时空约束对齐方法及装置 |
ZL201710786258.2 |
靖常峰,杜明义,周磊 |
2018.08.03 |
106 |
一种利用GNSS技术的双吊绳段建筑施工塔吊机 |
ZL201610821533.5 |
周命端,丁克良,吕京国,刘祥磊,赵西安 |
2018.07.13 |
107 |
里程计GNSS组合建筑施工塔吊机及吊装定点放样系统 |
ZL201710371802.7 |
周命端,吕京国,刘祥磊,丁克良,赵西安 |
2018.06.29 |
108 |
一种基于三维点云数据的旋转体拟合方法及装置 |
ZL201510837484.X |
黄明 |
2018.06.29 |
109 |
一种基于GIS的交通控制方法 |
ZL 2016 1 0896138.3 |
张学东,张健钦,庞蕾 |
2018.05.08 |
110 |
地磁室内定位基准图数据采集的方法与装置 |
ZL201510106621.2 |
黄鹤 |
2018.04.06 |
111 |
基于图像识别的校园教学大楼安全监控系统及方法 |
ZL 2015 1 0105975.5 |
沈涛 |
2018.01.12 |
112 |
一种GNSS双流动站建筑施工塔吊机 |
ZL201610821643.1 |
周命端,吕京国,丁克良,刘祥磊,赵西安 |
2017.11.24 |
113 |
一种三维CSG.BRep模型的拓扑元素的访问方法 |
ZL201510196806.7 |
黄明 |
2017.11.17 |
114 |
一种建筑物激光扫描点云数据的聚类方法 |
CN 104573705 B |
赵江洪,王晏民,张瑞菊,郭明 |
2017.10.13 |
115 |
建筑施工塔吊机及其吊装定点放样辅助系统 |
ZL201610460375.5 |
周命端,吕京国,刘祥磊,丁克良,赵西安 |
2017.07.14 |
116 |
类柱面文物对象正射影像生成方法 |
ZL201510307067.4 |
胡春梅 |
2017.07.07 |
117 |
一种用于高速视频测量建筑物模型健康监测目标点加速度解算方法 |
ZL 2014 1 0482638.3 |
刘祥磊,庞蕾,张学东 |
2017.04.19 |
118 |
一种利用可移动空间网格精简点云数据的方法(授权) |
ZL 2014 1 0326078.2 |
黄明 |
2017.03.15 |
119 |
一种基于中心投影的地面激光雷达反射强度图像的生成方法 |
ZL201410253045.X |
胡春梅,王晏民 |
2017.02.08 |
120 |
一种多功能实用型激光雷达扫描标靶 |
ZL201410422162.4 |
郭明,王晏民,王国利 |
2017.02.01 |
121 |
一种用于影像序列椭圆形人工目标点快速识别与跟踪方法 |
ZL 2013 1 0611510.8 |
刘祥磊,赵西安,张学东,庞蕾,丁克良 |
2017.02.01 |
122 |
一种基于三维线特征的激光点云数据自动配准方法 |
ZL201310745707.0 |
王晏民 |
2017.01.18 |
123 |
一种基于公交GPS轨迹数据的路况信息生成方法 |
ZL201410568039.3 |
张健钦,杜明义 |
2017.01.04 |
124 |
一种古建筑散乱点云空间索引的方法 |
ZL201310473979.x |
赵江洪,王晏民,张瑞菊,郭明 |
2017.01.04 |
125 |
一种基于WEB技术的气象数据体三维显示方法及装置 |
ZL201210525774.7 |
吕京国 |
2016.10.21 |
126 |
基于网络信息的城市灾害专题图实时生成的方法 |
ZL201310299648.9 |
吕京国 |
2016.09.18 |
127 |
基于移动终端的万人协同标绘方法 |
ZL201310298968.2 |
吕京国 |
2016.09.14 |
128 |
一种基于GIS的测量公交服务可达性的方法(授权) |
ZL201310462387.8 |
黄明,王晏民 |
2016.08.05 |
129 |
一种基于空间数据结构体系的三维地质巷道建模方法(授权) |
ZL201310182366.0 |
黄明,王晏民 |
2016.08.05 |
130 |
一种基于球标靶探测的激光点云数据自动配准方法 |
ZL201310746219.1 |
王晏民 |
2016.08.03 |
131 |
基于立体影像库的实时三维测量方法 |
ZL201310162816.x |
赵西安 |
2016.06.22 |
132 |
一种公交GPS轨迹数据的路网匹配方法1 |
ZL201410567664.6 |
张健钦,杜明义 |
2016.06.11 |
133 |
一种基于平面基准影像的激光点云数据的自动配准方法 |
2013 1 0226380.6 |
王晏民 |
2016.05.11 |
134 |
一种气象数据快速处理流程化的方法 |
ZL201210495573.7 |
吕京国 |
2016.04.13 |
135 |
一种地面激光雷达与近景摄影测量数据的高精度配准方法 |
ZL201310717984.0 |
王晏民 |
2016.03.02 |
136 |
一种基于局部采样的多几何特征点云数据的分割方法 |
ZL201310181368.8 |
王晏民 |
2016.02.10 |
137 |
一种基于海量历史GPS轨迹数据的公交车到站时间预测方法1 |
ZL201310213392.5 |
张健钦,杜明义 |
2016.01.26 |
138 |
移动传感器室内序列影像平差与立体测量方法 |
ZL201410038235.x |
赵西安 |
2016.01.20 |
139 |
一种基于行程识别的出行者活动规律分析方法1 |
ZL201210056544.0 |
张健钦 |
2016.01.06 |
140 |
一种根据激光雷达栅格点云构建CSG模型的方法 |
ZL201210138143.X |
王晏民,郭明 |
2015.04.01 |
141 |
一种加快三维图形显示的方法 |
ZL201210161072.5 |
危双丰 |
2014.09.17 |
142 |
一种基于出行轨迹数据的行程识别方法1 |
ZL 2012 1 0056545.5 |
张健钦 |
2014.08.13 |
143 |
一种面向海量激光雷达点云模型的三维空间索引方法 |
ZL201210134641.7 |
王晏民,郭明 |
2014.03.26 |
144 |
一种测量文物病害的方法 |
ZL201110175596.5 |
王晏民,侯妙乐 |
2013.12.25 |
145 |
影像特征点提取方法 |
Zl201110138408.1 |
赵西安 |
2013.09.04 |
146 |
一种地面激光雷达数据纹理影像配准方法 |
ZL201110250748.3 |
王晏民,胡春梅,王国利,郭明 |
2013.04.03 |